This questionnaire will help the Capital Region Planning Commission to understand community awareness and interest in climate pollution reduction, and preferences about various potential actions that can reduce emissions. Click the image


Reducing Climate Pollution in Baton Rouge

Vision Green 2050 is a climate pollution reduction plan being developed by the Capital Region Planning Commission for the Baton Rouge MSA.  The plan will help support future projects and funding applications to improve transportation infrastructure, retrofit buildings to make them more energy efficient, and build a more self-sufficient and less wasteful energy system.

Many different types of actions can be taken to reduce climate pollution, such as:

● Providing low-interest loans for energy retrofits
● Developing microgrids that can maintain utility service when the main grid has an outage
● Expanding active transportation infrastructure
● Creating new training and employment programs for clean energy jobs
● Restoring wetlands and natural spaces
● Switching to clean energy sources

Sign-Up to Receive Updates

Provide your email address to receive updates about opportunities to participate and key milestones in the process. We will only contact you about Vision Green 2050.

Latest Updates and Events

Register to attend the Climate Action Town Hall - Events

For Questionnaire click HERE

Check out our new Resources Section

More Information

View the brochure for background information about the CPRG process HERE

