Long-Range Transportation Plan
In metropolitan areas, the transportation plan is the statement of how the region invests in the transportation system. Per federal regulations, the plan shall "include both long-range and short-range program strategies and actions that lead to the development of an integrated, intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods."
The plan addresses:
Policies, strategies, and projects for the future
A systems-level approach by considering roadways, transit, non-motorized transportation, and intermodal connection
Projected demand for transportation services over 20 years
Regional land use, development, housing, and employment goals and plans
Cost estimates and reasonably available financial sources for operation, maintenance, and capital investments
Ways to preserve existing roads and facilities and make efficient use of the existing system
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the long-range statewide transportation plan must be consistent. The MTP must be updated every five years in air quality attainment areas or every four years in non-attainment or maintenance areas.
MPOs should make special efforts to engage interested parties in the plan’s development. Finally, in cases where a metropolitan area is designated as a non-attainment or maintenance area, the plan must conform to the SIP for air quality.
MOVE 2046
MOVE2046 is the Capital Region’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This plan is a federal requirement and is updated every four years. It establishes a shared vision for the future of transportation in the region and develops goals, strategies, and projects to help achieve that vision over the next 25 years.
MOVE 2042
MOVE2042 is the latest Transportation Plan for the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Planning Area. This plan focuses on both short-term and long-term transportation improvements in the urban areas of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, and West Baton Rouge parishes. It was officially adopted on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, by the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC), constituting the elected officials from the above parishes. It is both data-driven and incorporates public and stakeholder input. MOVE2042 is a federally mandated plan requiring federal transportation funds to flow into our region. Also, for any major transportation project in the Capital Region to become implemented, regardless of funding source, it must be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The plan is updated every four years to meet the community's changing needs. MOVE2042 addresses not only traditional forms of transportation but also includes transportation by means of public transit, walking, and biking. Lastly, MOVE2042 is fiscally constrained, meaning only projects that can reasonably be expected to have adequate funding can be included in the implementation program.
MOVE 2042 Amendment
The Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC), and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), developed a financially constrained and air quality conformed long range plan MOVE 2042 which was approved on March 14, 2018. In accordance with the federal conformity regulations (as amended through April 2012), the adopted MTP and conformity must be updated every four years or amended when regionally significant projects are added, removed, or modified. CRPC, in coordination with LADOTD and local governments, identified several major changes to the regionally significant projects programmed in the current MOVE 2042. These changes include
1.Addition of I-10 (LA 415 – I-10/I-12 Split) widening project
2 Incorporation of MOVEBR projects
3. Modification of I-10 (WBR/IBR Parish Line – W. of BR290) rehabilitation project scope
4. Addition of Juban Road Extension (US 190 – LA 1026)
5. LA 44 (I-10 – Loosemore Rd)
The above changes triggered the amendment of the current MOVE 2042 plan and the conformity determination. The MPO Transportation Policy Committee adopted the amended plan and conformity document on Wednesday, March 11 2020. The adopted document can be downloaded from the download section.
The highway projects in Appendix A of the amended plan supersede the list in Chapter 7 of the original MOVE 2042 plan.
MOVE 2042 Original - Final Report
To learn more about the planning process that went into development of this plan or download the individual chapters, click on the image below.
The previous long-range plan documents can be downloaded by clicking the links below.