1. Request for Additional Model Run for Project and Data or Results from CRPC’s Travel Demand Model (Adopted June 19, 2018).
To request model or data or results from CRPC’s travel demand model, please fill out the data release agreement form by clicking
2. Request for CRPC’s Travel Demand Model (Adopted June 19, 2018).
To request model or data or results from CRPC’s travel demand model, please fill out the data release agreement form by clicking:
Submit the scanned copy of the form by e-mail or a letter to:
Your e-mail/letter should include:
Name of the firm using the data and contact information for the project manager.
Name of your client agency and contact information of the client’s project manager
Name of the firm using the data and contact information for the project manager.
Name of your agency and contact information of the client’s project manager in the case of consultant requests.
Name of the project/study
Be as specific as possible about what type of data/model year(s) is requested.
How do you intend to use the travel model data for this study?
This will help us ensure we provide you with the most appropriate information.
Approximate duration of the study.
Map of the study area.
The desired format for receiving the data or results (shapefile, PDF, JPEG, etc…)
What we ask of you:
Because CRPC is continuously updating the model and input data sets, if you find anomalies or errors in the data, please let us know so that we can address them as quickly as possible.
Provide a copy or a link to pertinent draft and final reports of the study.
Provide all project data, maps, and files needed for coding improvement scenarios in the model run.
Our response to you:
Our staff will respond to your request, explaining what can be provided, on what timeline, and at what cost, if applicable. We reserve the right to charge for data requests. If you need a better understanding of the request, an in-person meeting will be held. CRPC will consider all model requests. Due to limited staff resources, CRPC reserves the right to re-scope and/or reject requests due to resource constraints. Project managers should assume a minimum turn-around time of 4-6 weeks per model run request.
Click on the link below for past traffic counts