In general, the CSAP is envisioned as a blueprint consisting of recommendations for enhancing the safety of all roadway networks (including local roads) within the metropolitan planning area.
The Plan will complement the current/ongoing CRPC planning projects including Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MOVE 2046); Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (RBPP), Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) etc., and any other planning initiatives undertaken by CRPC during the Plan update. Moreover, the Plan will incorporate current best practices in roadway safety countermeasures, equity planning, and environmental justice considerations including report making with an emphasis on graphics and visualization. Extensive public outreach will be framed with consideration given to the need to create a CSAP that is both proactive and conforms to achieving Safety performance measures/targets already established by the MPO. See the SOW for further information on tasks associated with the CSAP.
The Plan will be prepared cooperatively by and between the selected consultant, the public, and participants in the CSAP Planning Process. In addition to the citizenry and stakeholders, primary participants include the CRPC, the Louisiana Department of Transportation (DOTD), the cities and parishes falling within the MPO Parishes, and any other affected federal and state agencies.